No clue if they'll still accept, but lez do this -- [b]Real Name:[/b] Satao Itou [b]Character Name:[/b] Yuusha [b]Age:[/b] 19 [b]Gender:[/b] Male [b]Appearance:[/b] [hider=Pic] [img][/img] [/hider] [b]Beta-Tester?:[/b] Unfortunately, no. [b]Personality:[/b] Playful, outgoing and ‘confident’, Yuusha seemed to make friends with almost everyone. Not the kind you would expect to play a VRMMO like SAO, but here he is. Paired with his confidence, he tends to be a bit sharp-tongued- after all, he stands by his opinions and instincts, earning him the detestment of his fair share of people. Yuusha is known to possess a very mischievous behavior and can be very devious, if he feels like it. Consequently, he is fond of teasing his friends and foes alike. However, another side of him that has yet to completely unfold (not that he wants it to), is that he is rather insecure, and as a result he tends to shoulder any burden brought down on him by his own will and effort. Yuusha has only shown this part of himself to his closest friends- and even then, are they rarely graced by that side of him. Not wanting to cause them any unnecessary trouble. Another peculiar trait that has grown in him due to the nature of his upbringing, is that, he always blames himself for any situation, whether he is right or wrong. He always has an inclination to believe that it is his inadequacy that causes the situation to happen. He always holds himself accountable for anything wrong that takes place. [b]Brief Real Life Background:[/b] Yuusha’s insecurity stems from from his family ostracizing him due to the lack of resemblance towards his parents- They often called him an “illegitimate child”. The distraught son’s brothers and sisters always took that comment to heart, or rather, an excuse to abuse and order him around to do their biddings. Due to his above-average looks, catering to both masculine and feminine features- his siblings, girl and boy alike always held a little grudge against their little brother, envying their youngest brother’s looks. Yuusha always turned the other cheek and never reported his siblings for their misdeeds. After having his own siblings shut him out and use him as a tool, he felt the need to always look for approval from other people. Due to the way he was raised, he would always try shoulder all his burden himself, never trying to ask for help. Also he looked to the world of SAO as a way of escapism from the torment he receives at home, finding a busted up nervegear in the trash, with the help of some of his more 'technical' friends, he managed to fix the nervegear. He also 'pirated' the game as his parents would never do anything for his sake, even if he asks. [b]3 Main Skills:[/b] -Twinblade -Light Armor -First Aid [b]Special Skill?:[/b] For a brief moment, he can activate ‘Surge’, a skill he somehow developed after rigorous training. Surge increases dexterity, increasing his movement and weapon speed. This also causes him to be almost unseen to the eyes of a novice player. This effect only lasts for 15 seconds and can’t be used too much as this drains alot of his stamina very quickly. (As the story progresses, I want to evolve this skill.) [b]Other Skills:[/b] Cooking - Fine dining is needed Stealth/Hiding Slash weapon forging [b]Current Weapon:[/b] [hider=Weapon~] [img][/img] [/hider] These two sabres are peculiar, in that it both of them can be attached together to form a somewhat of a twinblade. [b]Current Armour:[/b] [hider=Armour~] [img][/img] [/hider] Yuusha likes to keep the mask off when he’s talking to other people and only likes to wear it during Stealth-like missions. [b]Play Style (Optional):[/b] Since he tends to take all the burden himself, Lone-Wolf. (This can change as he wants to help clear the game.) Analytical, patient and speed. [hider=-] I love Milkshakes! [/hider]