Rose had to think quick things where escalating quickly she sighed only having one idea although it put Spike in Danger she knew he could handle himself. Rose then whistled signalling Spike to come to her. Spike heard the whistle and ran to Rose he could easily follow her sent as he got closer he saw Naoto holding a gun and heading for Kristof he ran at him at full speed closing the cap in seconds as the people in the crowed quickly moved out of his fearing he would attack them. Spike then jumped at and pounced on Naoto biting the hand he was holding the gun in. Rose then looked to Kassy and quickly followed her to the food stands. "I think you should just pick the gauntlets out of Kristof pocket it would save some time it would reduce the chances of him getting any more involved once you have them give them to me and we will figure out what to do from their."