[quote=@harinezumikouken] [url]https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JQSm0rT9-gI[/url] < This is relevant for Geni. [/quote] Hmm, I is relevant to him, nice song man. [quote=@Scarifar] LokiLeo, this has been bugging me for a long time now, and I need to ask this... Where the hell is that signature pic from???? [/quote] [quote=@SirBeowulf] The anime is called Magi: The Labyrinth of Magic. Rather good show that I've been watching the second season of on netflix. At first it might appear to be a kiddy one, but in reality some parts are pretty brutal. Really good fight scenes, though. Fuck the laws of physics, though. [/quote] As Sir brought out, it is from Magi, A very good show.