(Now that I've posted up my villains' profiles...now it begins >:3) [color=a187be]"DON'T YOU...hic...TELL ME....hic...WHEN I'VE HAD ENOUGH-hic!" Kiroketsu slurs angrily as he continues to chug down more beer. He seems extremely woozy and about to fall onto the floor in a heap of drunken daze. Ammi continues to unleash her fiery goddess power unto the zombie horde, creating different paths of ash through the zombie crowd. Meora gets her pistol out, loads it with a different type of bullet, and starts shooting. 3 seconds after each bullet hits something, it explodes. "Where did you get those?!" Sephie asks. "Demon black market." Meora responds with a mischievous smirk. "I got something for you too." "Really?!" Sephie squeals with excitement. "I'm not exactly sure this is the time for gift-giving." Felixter blinks at the two best friends. "Relax. This'll be great." Meora pulls out the handle of a knife from her belt, and hands it to Sephie. "Press the button on the side." Sephie does as she's told, and from out of the handle, a large blade slides out. "COOL!" "It gets better. Stab the ground here and press the button again." Meora continues as she keeps shooting zombies, hitting between the eyes nearly every time. Sephie follows her friend's instructions again, and this time, the knife morph and branches out like a tree into several other blades. "Whoa..." "Stab that knife into someone and press the button, and I guarantee that about 80% of their organs will be shredded." Meora snickers. "Why was such a good weapon up for sale...?" Felixter asks. "The owned had problems with the button being push on accident. Like a deadly version of pocket-dialing on a phone." Meora explains. "...Wonderful." Felixter holds his face in his paw with a sigh.[/color] [color=ed145b]"Hmmm...what an interesting little place to find these mutts..." Atop the roof of the Shava Hotel, a lone figure in a raspberry-colored dress stands. She holds onto her witch hat to keep the breeze from blowing it away, though the breeze does blow her long orange curls around anyway. "Playing around with a horde of zombies this big could be deadly to someone if an...'accident' were to occur..." She smiles slyly. Next to her, a raven with green eyes lands. Is shifts into the form of a slightly younger witch with shorter black curls in a dress composed of shades of green. She adjusts her own witch hat a bit. "I see we've found them." The new witch grins menacingly. "What should we do now...Nimika?" "I want you to go back and report to the Master on their location, Natasha. It seems to be only these ones, but I'm sure more of Sephie's little rebel group will show up soon enough. They shouldn't be leaving anytime too soon." Nimika replies. "I'm going to stay here and monitor them all...maybe have a bit of fun, as well." "Yes, Nimika." Natasha bows her head with a cackle, turns back into a raven, and flies off again.[/color]