[center][b]Hidden World - Time Unknown[/b] [img]https://encrypted-tbn1.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcTAzz2c6HcA0xdCKX2wLoUXPoUY1tswl86enS6T0dONGOaYdXyx[/img][/center] The trio will found themselves lying on hard ground. As they woke up, they discovered that they're in an abandoned medieval village. There are 3 gates around them but no matter they do their effort is futile, the gates are stuck on the ground just like decoration. The trio will then realize that they're pretty much stuck on the place. It seems that it is also silent around the village so they're alone. They must realize that they're not on their own world anymore. If they look up at the sky, they'll realize it because the night sky is green and the moon is red like blood. It will start to get windy and the atmosphere is starting to get even more scarier. Suddenly, a large creaking sound will be heard, more like one of the gates are opening. As they looked at the opening, a giant silhouette of a bull will be seen. No, it's not just a bull. It's a giant blue holding a big war axe and it's not friendly. It is about to kill them but without anything to fight, it's useless but until they heard the voice of their Personas(It's up to you what will they say) and they successfully summoned them. [center][b]BOSS ATTACK! - PREPARE YOURSELVES[/b][/center] [hider=Bull][img]http://img2.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20080803032251/megamitensei/images/7/74/GozukiSMT.jpg[/img][/hider] --- Lv.2 HP:?? MP:?? STR - 8 VIT - ? MAG - 5 DEX - 10 LCK - ? SKILLS: ??? STRENGTH: ??? WEAKNESS: ??? --- (Ok, i'll get on to the battle post) [hider=Stats] Lv.1 EXP:10/100 (everytime you summon ur initial you'll get 10 XP) HP: 44 - 2 = 42 (because I used Cleave and 5% 44 is 2.2 and i round it off to 2.You can search it on google in fact) SP: 62 STR - 10 VIT - 6 MAG - 13 DEX - 10 LCK - 6 [/hider] [hider=Initial Persona] [img]http://1.bp.blogspot.com/-N614yxmanIk/ToYHx2uVlVI/AAAAAAAABRA/ntxHdPY7fyM/s320/libra1.jpg[/img] Name: Astraea History: Astraea, the celestial virgin, was the last of the immortals to live with humans during the Golden Age, one of the old Greek religion's five deteriorating Ages of Man. According to Ovid, Astraea abandoned the earth during the Iron Age. Fleeing from the new wickedness of humanity, she ascended to heaven to become the constellation Virgo. The nearby constellation Libra,[citation needed] reflected her symbolic association with Dike, who in Latin culture as Justitia is said to preside over the constellation. In the Tarot, the 8th card, Justice, with a figure of Justitia, can thus be considered related to the figure of Astraea on historical iconographic grounds. Strength: Slash Lightning Weakness: Dark Wind [b]SKILLS:[/b] Skill 1: Mahama Skill 2: Cleave Skill 3: Mazio Skill 4:(unlocked at level 5) - Tier 2 5:(unlocked at level 9) - Tier 2 6:(unlocked at level 13) - Tier 2 7:(unlocked at level 17) - Tier 2 8:(unlocked at level 21) - Tier 3 [/hider] [hider= Skill Used]Cleave | Inflicts a small amount of Slash damage to one enemy. | 5% HP | Tier 1[/hider] [hider=Damage] 10 x 1.5 + 15% = 17 Slash Damage(refer to Information board in OOC) (what I did is I multiplied 10 from 1.5 then it is = to 15. I then took the 15% of 15 which is 2.25 rounded off to 2. So 15+2=17)[/hider]