"I'll have that one please." Kristof had just reached the food stands and found some delicious confections, pies, cakes, brownies, anything sweet and yummy could be found there. And how delighted he was when the man found his favorite treat of all, blueberry pie. Boy they sure do go all out at these conventions, a stray thought that had entered his head as he munched on a slice of pie that tasted and smelt simply divine. Next to impossible for him to explain, his new powers had let him taste and smell fourth dimensional flavors and aromas. Distracted by his thoughts and the prospect of such deserts Kristof notices far too late that the buffet center had nearly emptied out, had he been standing there that long? Then he heard it, "On the ground, hands in the air! I want to see everything you do!" gazing around quickly Kristof notices a single policeman who almost matches his height and physique rushing in his direction. And finally realizes that there is a gun pointed directly at him. Without thinking too much of the situation the muscular man turns about face, seeing not a soul behind him. He turns slowly back to the disgruntled officer, "I know I ate the last slice, but that doesn't call for violence." He says in his usual broken tone. Soon Kristof understands the severity of this situation. " I assure you sir, I may look dangerous, but that's an act." The police officer simply gestures rather menacingly that Kristof needs to be on the ground, well if he isn't interested in receiving a bullet or two. With a resigned attitude the strongman complies, kneeling down and finishing off the last remaining bit of pie before placing his arms behind his head. "And what is it that the TPD (Tokyo Police Department) think I have done this time, friend?" In the past few years they've really been on edge, Kristof recalls the numerous times something like this has occurred to him in this country. He must be cursed.