[b]Naoto[/b] "Argg!" Naoto screamed as his hand was bit. He almost reached for his taser, but another man stepped up and interfered, helping him. "Thank you for the assistance. I am going to have to tell you to stand down now, this is official police business, and we have the matter under control." Naoto tried his best to sound formal through the pain in his hand. He picked up his gun off the ground with his other hand as he listened to what the man was saying to him. "If what you say is true, then the man has nothing to fear from the police. If what you say is true, he will be released from custody [i]after [/i]the matter is settled. But not before." Naoto said, now starting to move closer. He was shocked to see the two women were already at the muscle man, and the cloaked one already snatching the man's bag while he was on the ground. "Hey, stop!" Naoto called out, raising his gun, but it was too late, the woman ducked around a corner. [b]Kassy[/b] "Okay, I've got it." Kassy said to Rose, pulling the device out of the bag and handing it over. "You'd better hurry though, from the looks of it things are starting to get out of control...." she said, extremely nervous with all the chaos happening. She had never had anything this serious happen before... she's had guns pulled on her before, but never before has she had anything this crazy happen.