All right... This was just crazy. Noa asked herself, why was she there. More importantly, why were there other people with her? It didn't quite feel real, but then again, it didn't quite feel like a dream either. The first thing she thought, was of getting the other people with her out. When the only guy went to the gate and tried to open it, she tried to raise her voice to him. To encourage him, or else, to tell him she'd help her. But when the axe of the bull that appeared out of nowhere fell to the ground, almost beheading him, she felt like she really had to do something. Her mind told her to go there and help him, but her body wouldn't budge. Every alert in her head, even those of pure, raw instinct, were telling her to stay put, that that thing was too much for her, that he'd split her in two. When the axe was about to fall upon the boy, she looked away, eyes closed. [I]"Thou art I.... I am thou."[/I] It came out of nowhere, no, more like it echoed in her head. [I]"I am Death itself... Poison is my weapon, and it should be yours too."[/I] It was the voice of a woman. [color=92278f]"W-who are you!? If... If you are here to help, then help him!"[/color] She shouted, at whatever was there. She only got a chuckle for an answer at first. [I]'Of course, it wouldn't be much for me. I am Semiramis, I am etched into your soul ."[/I] [color=92278f]"Stop it with the cryptic words and just help us!"[/color] She shouted, while holding her head and shaking it violently. She wanted to look at the guy in imminent danger, even though she felt separated from time in some way, but the image of him being cut in half was too much for her to even try and look. [I]'Then use your own power, use it and show them the power of Death."[/I] [color=92278f]"I don't want that power! I don't even know how to use it!"[/color] [I]'I said it before... I am etched into your soul, the power is yours, and I shall guide your hand. Use it wisely.'[/I] With a final chuckle, the voice slowly disappeared from Noa's head. She was uncertain of what had happened. But something compelled her to look up. She brought her eyes up again, and the boy held a blue card now. That image was burnt into her mind. She felt the power surging through her, the fear leaving her system. A smile came to her face. IT was just a hunch, but she still put her hands up, and in the space in between them, the same blue card as the other boy had appeared. [color=92278f]"This is... My power.[/color] Yes, indeed it was. She knew what to do, even if it was something new for her. It almost felt obvious, as something she had done countless times before. She spun around, and hit the card with the side of her hand as she stopped spinning, effectively shattering it into pieces. [COLOR=92278f]"PERSONA!"[/color] She shouted, with joy. At that same moment, a figure appeared before her. It was a fair woman, dressed all in black, she seemed frail, and yet, dangerous. An aura of death was emanating from her. The same words repeated themselves in her mind. [I]'I am Death itself.[/I] It truly seemed like so, now that Semiramis stood in front of her. She knew the commands to attack, somehow. [color=92278f]"Okay! Semiramis! Magaru!"[/color] She shouted, anf her Persona move unto attack, putting her hands together and a sudden green burst coming out from her hands and aiming at the Bull. [color=92278f]"Yes! Go me!"[/color] [hider=Stats] Lv.1 EXP: 10/100 HP: 48 MP: 65-6=59 STR - 10 VIT - 7 MAG - 13 DEX - 8 LCK - 7[/hider] [hider=Initial Persona] [CENTER][IMG][/IMG][/CENTER] [s]Yep, totally using the one from Fate[/s] [B]Name:[/B] Semiramis [B]History:[/B] Born from the Syrian mermaid goddess Dercetoand a human man, she was left on the waterfront by her loveless mother. She was wrapped in the warm wings of a dove, and fed with the dove's milk. Semiramis was then found and educated by the shepherd Simmas until she married Onnes, an old general; but she was then taken away by the Syrian king Ninus who fell in love with her thanks to her beautiful face. This forced Onnes to commit suicide, and after Semiramis earned the favors of the king with original battle plans, she married him and formally became queen. A few days after the marriage, she killed the king with poison, and reigned as a regent over Assyria for the next few decades. This is the oldest case of murder by poisoning in legends. [B]Strength:[/B] Wind, Dark [B]Weakness:[/B] Lightning, Light [b]SKILLS:[/b] 1: Magaru 2: Poisma 3: Media 4:(unlocked at level 5) - Garula 5:(unlocked at level 9) - Tarukaja 6:(unlocked at level 13) - Mediarama 7:(unlocked at level 17) - Magarula 8:(unlocked at level 21) - Mind Charge [/hider] [hider=Skill Used] Magaru | Inflicts a small amount of Wind damage to all enemies. | 6 SP | Tier 1[/hider] [hider=Damage] 13*1.5=19.5+15%=21[/hider]