Rather unfortunately for Emily, it seemed painfully obvious since their first meeting that someone was already trying to make moves on her. And also rather unfortunately for Emily, that someone was not someone she had the slightest interest in even getting too close to - a fact made poignant by his contributions from both sides of his body. Fortunately, they came from his perch on the couch and not right next to her. Still, she wasn't the type to be rude. [color=deepskyblue]"It took me 4 minutes and 52 seconds to walk here,"[/color] she replied, having listened to "Children of the Moon" so many times that she knew its exact length. [color=deepskyblue]"I think I'm ok,"[/color] she finished, giving him a small polite smile. Turning to listen to the conversation about the professor's whereabouts, she replied to Orion's question about his phone number. [color=deepskyblue]"I could find it,"[/color] she offered. She was used to the intelligence thing but not quite used to the technology manipulation thing yet, but she still knew that it wouldn't be very hard to track down the professor's number in a matter of seconds via her phone.