[quote=@ASTA] [quote]Leaning closer to the right? Didn't you once say you were a NeoCommunist?[/quote] I took an online test that branded me as such. I can sympathize with communism and wholeheartedly acknowledge that the system is relatively attractive on paper, but when put into literal practice, the system doesn't work. Human psychology is to blame for its failure, not communism itself. [/quote] Fair enough [quote=@The Patriarch] Are you a liberal? Because you sound like a social justice warrior [/quote] LOLOL Please! Dont insult me! I am a Liberal in the most Traditional sense, someone who believes in Eqaulity, Freedom and Progress, none of this Neo-Liberal bullshit. Now dont get me wrong I dislike SJWs as much, or at least nearly as much, as you do because unlike them I can see where real ineqaulity is and it has nothing to do with gender, or at least in the First World it doesn't. And If your curious I am also Pro-Gamergate, Anti-Feminist, Pro-Egalitarian and as far as im concerned the only Patriarchy that exists is that in Religion (for example "The Patriarchate" of the Eastern Orthodox Church) and as long as its not a part of Goverment I really dont give a damm what branch of Desert Folklore you want to believe in. In short, just because I'm part of the Radical Left doesn't mean I'm a SJW