The rest of the tour progressed about as expected. The forge was rudimentary, but it served the clan's needs well. It was placed in a room that appeared to be the symmetrical counterpart of the dining room, but the furnace had a brick chimney build up to its own hole in the ceiling. The training chambers were fairly simple rooms with a few statues around. There were some lit areas that people used for sparring and a space off to the side for archery training. The locked gate to the rest of the city turned out to be mundane, as they couldn't see very far past the darkness beyond. A similar notion could be said about the latrines, though at least flowing water could be heard running under the wooden structure. The study rooms were at the top of a staircase that Gallus didn't even lead the pack up into, reasoning that the few people up there did not like to be disturbed and he would have to answer to Darahil if they complained. Throughout the tour, the pack observed that despite the organisation of important supplies, many things were tucked away in crates in random places. Mementos, tools, and materials were in many places where one could stub a toe. They at least seemed to be off to the side, but there was no telling how everyone kept track of it all. As far as most of them could tell, the tools appeared to be nearest to their point of application. The weapons were near the gate, the smithing tools were by the forge, and there was even an amount of books, parchment and chalk stored around an empty chamber with chalk written upon one of the stone walls. Apparently it was where schooling was held. Additionally, the clan seemed to be relaxed about where one could set up a bedroll. Many people seemed content with taking unused rooms as pack groups, but some slept in corridors, alcoves, and sometimes main chambers. When Janius asked Gallus how people slept in areas where there would often be noise, he responded saying that he didn't know exactly, but that he has heard some say they prefer the noise as it helps them with their dreams. It made little sense on the surface, but Janius took Gallus' word for it. It took some wandering around for Gallus to find a space for Meesei's pack. Eventually they settled for an empty stone room with one wall missing, overlooking the main hub chamber over a stone balustrade one story up. It was more claustrophobic than they were used to, but not as bad as it could be. Upon request from Gallus, Tzirret ran to fetch a heating lantern for the pack and placed it in the centre of the room. Apparently they had the spare Ayleid stones to go around after sojourns into the unused depths of the city. "The main chamber gets much more quiet during the night, so noise shouldn't be an issue. People find it rude when a lot of noise is made around those times anyway," Gallus described, before flashing a mischievous grin, "As for privacy, well, no one is really going to be looking up here, but if you need some space, there are plenty of places out of the way. You just have to go looking." Just as quickly, Gallus reverted his demeanour and lightly punched Tzirret on the upper arm, "Anyway, Tzirret here is due for his tutoring on control. Is there anything you champions need before we go? Oh yeah, and if there's not enough food out by the cook fires, just look for a guy called Grolak. He's in charge of rations." Gallus raised a finger, "Careful though, he's all about that fair share rule, and he knows when you're lying."