[color=00aeef]"Ngh! Get your hands off of me!" Natasha continues to flap her wings wildly and caw in her raven form. She stops as soon as she's handed over to the shadows for interrogation. "Oh no...not these two..." She morphs herself back into her regular form, and takes a step back from the shadows "Heeeeey, it's Nattie!" Amber cheers. "Hi Nattie~!" "You want her to tell you something?" Clancy looks towards Fedora-man, then back at Natasha with an evil grin. "Are you hiding secrets, Nattie?" "You stay back! I know how to fight you off. I can create light easily enough. Look! The sun's out!" Natasha points towards the sun, hoping they'll look, and be distracted long enough for her to flee into the hotel as well, or maybe use her magic to create her own portal out. The shadows don't move, however. They only walk closer to her. "Oh Nattie, that's not going to work! The sun's rays are too wide-range. Only concentrated light scares us, tee-hee!" Amber giggles. "Come on, Nattie...why don't we play a game?" Clancy adopts an even creepier grin, as does Amber. They move in to grab her wrists with tendrils of shadow from their own bodies. "N-no! Stop! I demand you let me go, r-right this instant, you fools! The Master will send others! They'll come no matter what you do to me!" Natasha cries, trying to pull against them. All the shadows do is laugh... Ammi and Meora watch Michael use his powers to destroy most of the zombies in their wake, taking care to stay well out of his way. Ammi continues manipulating waves of flame to try and wipe out the rest of the horrid creatures. "Nice one, Michael-san!" Meora calls out to him with approval. Inside of the hotel, Nimika sits on the bed of an empty room, licking the blood from her claws. She waits there idly until Felixter flings open the door, enveloped by unmeasurable fury. It only gets worse when he doesn't see his sister anywhere. "What did you do with Sephie?!" Felixter hisses sharply. "I don't know...what DID I do with her, Felixter? There are so many things...so very many gruesome things I could have done. I mean, why would the Master decide to show you any mercy...much less me?" Nimika purrs tauntingly in reply. "I could have killed her and hid her carcass somewhere. I could have taken off her head and hid it in the fridge of the hotel's kitchen. I could have injected her with a new, incurable strain of Demon Rabies and let her go loose. I could have had her possessed by something. I could have fatally poisoned her and hid her somewhere else in the hotel. I could have sent her back off to the Demon Highlands, and she could be getting executed, brainwashed, tortured, or married to the Demon King right this very moment. Who knows? Maybe I'm wearing jewelry right now that holds her soul within right now..." Felixter starts to engage his hellion form, growing horns, bigger wings, and bigger claws. His eye becomes a sharper, icier blue. "You will tell me where she is. Right. Now." Felixter demands. "Ooh, scary...you think I can't do something similar?" Nimika cackles uncaringly. Felixter growles, and moves towards her to strike. The witch is too fast, even with the increased speed of the hellion form, and is choking him while holding him above the ground with her magic. "Silly little boy..." Nimika tsks. "It's not right to hit a girl, you know..." "You're...no girl..." Felixter retorts through his choking. "You're...a...HAG..." Nimika narrows her eyes. "Oh, is that right? Well then-" She suddenly brings him down hard onto the floor, and then slams him repeatedly back and forth from wall to wall of the room, leaving some cracks, but not making too much of a mess. She drops him onto the floor. "It's also not right to address a girl so rudely. My, and I thought you were supposed to be the more polite, gentlemanly twin..." Nimika tsks once more as Felixter struggles to pull himself up. When he gets close, she just slams him back onto the floor again with her magic, and laughs about it. "Nope...I'm not doin' so good...but it's not the beer..." Kiroketsu rasps. His color steadily drains, leaving him a much paler purple than he should be. He closes his eyes with a miserable moan.[/color]