Rhysln didn't know what she was expecting from the turnout but she knew she hadn't been expecting that. What language! Before she could even muster a retort, another stepped between them, a young lady who seemed anxious, and wary of the man behind her. She used to believe that people didn't have bad intentions from the start but her new found experiences had her backing up from the girl, leaving just enough space for a different blonde to place herself there. "Indeed she is," she crossed her arms, "Now who are you two?" she looked back at the man, "Oi, fatty, si'down, your company is clearly not wanted," she said before hearing the throat clearing behind her. "Nautica, is addressing everyone in such a manner really necessary?" Rhysln said, shaking her head. "It is. You're under no obligation to be nice to these people. Niceness to strange people offering to help is what landed us here," Nautica reminded her and Rhysln made a face that clearly said she did not want to be reminded of that face. Nautica was shorter than her sister, understandable with the age difference, and her hair was a bit longer since she hadn't cut it nearly as short. Her features in general were clearly younger but Nautica didn't have that weary edge to her. She had transitioned well enough and the behavior of the people around her had influenced her more than her years of training in court. And unlike her sister, she never trusted anyone until they proved they earned it. Which with one addressing her sister with such crass rudeness and the other seeming shifty at best, she was not about to trust them. Nautica turned back to the strangers and pointed at the table where Throm was sitting, "Have a seat. I'll personally pierce his hand if he comes over here so stop being twitchy. I don't trust it," she said, crossing her arms under her chest, "And if you ever talk to my sister that way again, I'll split your tongue. We clear?" she narrowed her eyes at Throm, "Now. Who are you and why are you actually interested in helping us?" she demanded. Rhysln sighed again, rubbing her forehead. Leave it to Nautica to believe she was to fill the role of the knights in their absence. She wasn't going to interrupt her since they did need to know who they were and why they were there, but she did wish her sister wouldn't talk in such a way. That was something she was going to have to work on when they had the luxury of time to worry about it. For now, she gave her sister a chastising and warning look, only to get waved off. Nautica knew a lot of people got the wrong ideas about their family's rule in general, especially her sister. Nautica mentioned it to the Captain that she was sure people would come crawling from the woodwork that blamed Rhysln for their people's suffering at the hands of Ovorion. He was sure he'd catch that before it happened, but he wasn't here and he wasn't perfect. She wasn't going to let anyone try and dismantle the Silverspring's rein over some false idea that they were at all prepared for what happened. The Silversprings had fought to bring peace to the country, fought to keep Caradia's fingers out of their business, working a mutual understanding with their Empress. Nautica was almost tempted to write her to ask for aid, but Rhysln insisted they had to be the one's to get back the throne otherwise no one would support the rule. So if they had to go about it this way, then Nautica was going to make sure those in her sister's company belonged there. She narrowed her eyes again at the two and put her hands on her hips rather than crossing her arms. Rhysln sighed and looked to the door hearing the voices outside, almost not surprised to see the lord and his men entering, "Lord Corbray, you've returned," she said, "I'm relieved to see you are well. Yet again we are in your gratitude," she smiled lightly, bowing her head, "Hopefully we shall be out of your hair soon enough and stop endangering this good town and your people."