Sprinting, his arms swiveling up and down, it seemed as if though Kristof was about to catch up with the two whom he had thought were thieves. As the large man drew close he could see that the young girl clad in black was fiddling with a piece of technology, finally she pointed it in his direction. A calm before the storm, she had stopped moving forward, it was Kristof's time to act. They were almost within his grasp, however, something dreadful had caused him to end the chase. A wave of horrid sound, white noise, flushed over Kristof. His pace slowed, his vision blurred, and his knees weakened. The tower of a man came to a kneel, not unlike the one that Naoto forced him into. The shaken man heaved, a thick red substance coated Kristof's hands as he covered his mouth. He fell to a side, blood dripping from his ears as well. Such a powerful device should never be in the hands of a rash young and unthinking person like they were then. "I guess, I couldn't keep my promise." He spoke weakly, his thoughts turned to the young girl clutching a teddy bear and her wishes of peace.