Carina opened one of her eyes when she heard the woman beckon her to the couch. Her eyes narrowed. [i][color=crimson]Why would I help keep you warm?[/color][/i] Carina huffed loudly and then picked up her head and turned away, her face now facing the fireplace. She wasn't in the mood to play pet anymore. She'd done enough being nice for the day. Now, it was time to sleep the night away. She let out a small soft whimper as she got sleepier and sleepier. Soon, sleep over took her and she drifted. But... to where? Slowly, softly, she fell. She landed on something soft... soft and... cold. Opening her eyes, she spotted a snowy landscape before her. She stood up, looking down to see human feet. How had she gotten here? She couldn't remember... She took in a deep steady breath, fog appearing as she let it back out. Luckily, she had a coat on, and a pretty good one at that. But... What was she doing here? [i]Ring.[/i] [i][color=crimson]Hm?[/color][/i] [i]Ring. Ring. [/i] She reached into her pocket and pulled out a rather nice looking cell phone. Hitting the answer button, she lifted it to her face. [color=crimson]"H-Hello?"[/color] She answered. [color=gray]"Where ARE you? You like... disappeared on me."[/color] A male voice answered, apparently angry. [color=crimson]"I'm... sorry?"[/color] She replied, confused. [color=gray]"Whatever. See you in hell, bitch."[/color] [i]BEEP. BEEP. BEEP.[/i] [i][color=crimson]That was rude...[/color][/i] Sighing, she walked on, hoping to find something of a road so that she could tell someone where to find her. Because otherwise, she'd only be able to say, Snowy, white landscape. That's about it. Though, as soon as she walked on, the world around her shifted. Suddenly, it was night time, and she was laying in the snow with a huge gash on her leg. Wide eyes, she started screaming, the wound bleeding out into the snow. As she did, her body changed, forming into something, and she blacked out. ...When she woke up she was in front of the fireplace again, jumping into consciousness. She swallowed slightly, her eyes looking over to where the woman had been. She had to hope to god that she hadn't accidentally shifted in her sleep...