"Thank you." Meesei said with a polite nod. "Myself and my pack will get settled in, then explore the city in more detail, and get to know some of its inhabitants. I will find Jerrick once we are properly accustomed to your clan." She explained briefly. Once Gallus left, the pack started to unpack their bedrolls and situate their belongings. It seemed like they were going to be staying longer than a few nights, so they unpacked more of their things than they would for a night at an inn. As they had been in Bruma earlier in the day, they were all in their city clothes, which most of them were quick to change out of into their normal clothing. Their city clothing had been worn for over a month, with few spares, so all of them could use a good wash. Now that they were alone, Meesei had a chance to speak to her pack in private. Firstly, she used her magic to detect life around her and see if anyone might be listening in. As well, she attempted to detect any magic that could be used to allow someone to listen in on them. This room had been unused before they arrived, so it was doubtful that any traitors among the clan would have prepared to eavesdrop within, but she could never be too careful. "This city is certainly impressive, but we should avoid getting distracted. We have to ensure that it is well-protected, and to do that, we need to first make sure none of Vile's agents are within."