Gary looked up at Diane with a frown. Did she....did she just forget his NAME after two minutes of talking to each other? That was some top class dickery right there. "Last time I checked this school didn't have a gunpla club. I'm not even sure if they have a battle table." commented Gary with a plain flatness to his voice. That only made the two kids grin, "Oh really? Well I could always just kick your ass with my fists!" the kid with the perm commented as his companion stopped him, "Hey the girl wants to play a game let's play a game then. We can go to that little card shop around the corner. It used to be a gunpla shop but it was bought off recently and only sells gunpla as a side. Not many people know it but it has a old version of the battle system that's been modified to work with the new system thanks to the new owners. Not nearly as nice as our place but I don't think you're good enough to go to our shop. Besides that owner owes us a favor. If she wins with the dip stick kid then we'll leave them alone. For good. Sound good losers?" asked the boy as Gary raised an eyebrow, "What if you win? I'm sure you want somethin' right? I mean you're such outstanding models of what's wrong with humanity right surely you wouldn't just let the bet go one sided right?" Gary commented. He wasn't trying to goad them on but he knew there was a catch. There always was. "Yeah if we win the girl treats us to a free dinner sound good?" commented the boy with the perm. "I'm good with that. Assuming that you are Miss Diane. If that shop doesn't have a model you can use I got a spare or you can use The O. Either way we're good. I may have swore off gunpla while I'm on the west coast but if someone's begging for an ass whoopin' then who am I to argue?" Gary said getting up and slinging his backpack over his shoulder and putting The O back in it's case. However on their way there they noticed the place was closed. So Gary suggested the nearby gunpla shop that was a bit farther away and the boys argued but eventually agreed.