The more and more this guy talked, the more and more pissed off Tea was getting. 'I'm just trying to be helpful, dammit! Maybe a little freaking courtesy for a teammate?! Or maybe I miscalculated and he's not a teammate. Just some asshole who works here. Nah, that's stupid' Tea continued to rant in her head when the other woman in the room spoke up, and to Tea's utter amazement, she could understand her. She had no idea what language this woman was speaking or if this was a function of her armor or just something to do with her past, but Tea could understand it soooo... okay? She definitely had to fiddle with that later. Turning her attention back to the guy she decided to call "The Mouth", she listened as he began to (or continued to) prattle off intricate facts and details about this woman's, who she now knew was called "Cassandra", past. It was probably around here that the last traces of Tea's nervousness were replaced by shakes of anger. As someone without a past, Tea knew how precious it could be and how far one would go to keep it a secret. So to just have some guy spew it out like that, ESPECIALLY in front of other people, was just unacceptable. Flashes of how to shut Mouthy up kept flashing through her mind, from sewing his trap shut to just breaking his jaw (although she did have the clarity to acknowledge 50% as really dark, 20% as what the fuck? and all of them as unacceptable solutions to what could very well be your next partner). She neither knew or cared where these "solutions" where coming from, but managed to stay her hand. Particularly when Cassandra began voicing what was pretty much Tea's opinion. As Cassandra began to leave, Tea's anger started abating and a chuckle started to rise in it's place as the idiocy of this whole thing was kind of amusing... [i]buuuut[/i] then Mouth had to shoot off one last time [i]"I discovered all that with little more than a cursory search after I discovered we would be team mates. Imagine what I will dig up now you have caught my attention. Something to consider"[/i]. As Cassandra left, Tea merely walked up to the prick and slapped him square across the cheek, before exiting herself. Although she did throw a qucik "Fucking arrogant jackass" over her shoulder before disappearing around the corner, rapidly making her way back to her room, where a panic set in at having physically assaulted a teammate over a dispute she wasn't even part of, right in front of a Ditto clone, no less! Gods, she was in so much trouble...