[quote=@SirBeowulf] Twas a good post, Kyle. It should help in breathing some life back into this thing. Have you messaged any of the people who haven't voiced their participation in this? As for the post, should we keep it to one post for our combat? Taking up multiple posts might be stealing the show from everyone else as they just watch. [/quote] To be honest, I've not even gone out of my way to check who has and hasn't been participating. If people want to drop in randomly and do things they can, as long as they don't ruin consistency. For combat in general, I would prefer that combat takes up less posts. So either one post or a collab in some cases. The exception being boss fights where it'll be too awkward making everyone collab. [quote=@Inertia] No clue if they'll still accept, but lez do this [/quote] Always accepting! As for your character in particular, I must point out a couple of things first: [list] [*]Two-handed sword is different from duel wielding (which I'm guessing is what you actually meant). I'm going to say no dual wielding swords because of the whole 'chosen one' thing around it. I'd have no problem with the twin blade though. Sorry to be a kill joy. [*]Also, there's no archery. Although there is blade-throwing. [/list]