"You have a point." Lily didn't much feel like arguing with her, and the amount of blood she was leaking -was- a bit worrying. She hadn't gotten a good look at the injury Lammy had taken, and it made sense that she'd be treated first if hers was worst. Her instincts were that her condition was less important than the others due to her roles, both as a Paladin and the responsibility she was assuming in attempting to lead this group. But then, she wouldn't be much of a leader if she couldn't keep up because of a limp or a missing leg. Once the spell had done its work she stretched out the leg. There was a good bit of residual soreness, but she could walk, run, and most importantly fight. She drew her canteen and took a long drink, then used a small amount to wash the blood off her leg before it could dry. She'd need a little more time to finish cleaning her armor, and the trousers were probably a wash, but beggars couldn't be choosers. "Thanks for the help back there, Lammy. That could've gotten pretty bad if you hadn't intervened."