Half a moment passed between the marbles being fired and a vicious feline roar ringing out across the room. In an instant, a black blur launched itself from the couch, pushing it backwards a foot, and before it impacted Orion shifted into a large brown hawk. The effect of the transformation was ruined, however, when Vee realized she didn't know how to fly, and instead of landing on the boy's shoulder as she had intended, she fell to the floor and skidded to a halt. She lay there a moment, stunned, before turning back into a human. "ooooh, ow." She moaned, trying to push herself off the floor and just falling over instead. "mmmm. I don't feel so good." She just continued laying still until Ferghus asked for an ice pack. "Yeah, I'll go find one, and maybe some asprin too..." She pushed herself up a bit and half crawled, half dragged herself toward the counter.