Once Meesei was reasonably sure they were not being watched, she joined the conversation, keeping a decently low volume. "No, and knowing who we are, any spy would be cautious. However, there may be some angles we can pursue. For one, I would suppose the initiates are being closely watched. Anyone new would not be allowed to leave without supervision, so it would be difficult for a spy among them to get out a message. It makes it more likely that we could catch them in the act. Of course, if a spy is higher up in the ranks, it could be more difficult." Meesei paused to think for a moment. Part of her wished that she could have gotten into the clan's hideout without revealing that she was the Champion. Sure, it granted her greater respect and authority, but a spy would also be cautious around her and her pack. If they were to ferret out any potential traitors, they would need to be more resourceful. "Unfortunately, a spy would be very careful about his or her actions around us, but asking around may yet be useful. Most of the lycans here are likely loyal, so we could have some of them act as our eyes, even if they do not know they are doing so. While we are here, we will be helping to bolster their defenses and find the lair of Vile's followers. While we are doing so, we should do what we can to become friendly with other members of the clan. We can build connections and ask them what they find out of the ordinary. Some of them, if we trust them enough, we might ask directly keep an eye out for trouble, but even normal conversation can reveal useful information. We just need to make sure to make friends at all levels of the pack, from initiates to officers. That way, they have more of a chance of coming into contact with spies."