[h2]Astrid[/h2] [i]"ASTRID?"[/i] The sound of Nicole finally arriving home rang out through the room. Astrid's head was bent in concentration over her desk. Scattered across it were a series of mechanical parts, a box of matches, a bottle that might or might not have been opium, and a double bacon cheeseburger from the store down the street. Reaching over she grabbed another bite of the burger before yelling out in a some what muffled voice, "I'm in my room. Come on in and check this out." Turning around for Nicole to see she flicked a small red tipped match against the desk and watched it blaze up. The flame reached it's peak and gently drifted down till it was burning the wood. As she watched this she held her left arm perpendicular to her body and moved the flame closer to her body. "This is fucking amazing." Moving it another inch the flame reached the bottom of her skin and flattened itself out as it reached something it couldn't burn. The skin of her arm turned red and she could see her veins slightly through the semi-transparent skin, like when you put your hand over a flashlight. Looking up for the first time at Nicole she wore a massive grin across her face. "I'm not burning." To prove her point even more she stuck the match behind her right ear so that the flame would reach her hair. The licked up the stick of the match but refused to catch her hair on fire. Shaking her head Astrid watched the burnt out match fall to the floor. Her hands went to her head in amazement. "This... this is so fucking cool. Like... like you have no idea. This could change the world. I- I have to study myself. Figure out what exactly did this to me. What this even is. Imagine if I could do more than this..." She paused to let her words sink in. Turning around swiftly she put her fingers to her mouth in thought, "Maybe if I try it with opium." She stared at the bottle as if daring it to give her the answer she seeked. Without turning around she asked, "Have you ever tried opium? I was hoping it would relax me enough to expand my... power?" At the word another huge grin popped up on her face. "I have a fucking power. Hahaha this is fucking crazy." Turning with an almost crazed look in her eyes, "I want more!"