[b]Aiden-current mood: Contemplative, and slightly unstable[/b] Aiden smiled as Sable charged at him, making a small shield of ice in front of him to counter-act some of the blow. He was still sent flying, but he hadn't even been the least bit injured. He landed on his feet, and gave the other dragon slayer a smile. "There we go, bring that anger and pity and take it out on us rookies, instead of mopping about Cringle." Aiden walked over to his fellow dragon slayer and put a hand on his shoulder, turning him to the horizon. "Nobody likes to be asked the same thing repeatedly over and pver, trust me i've done it to Chrome and she's let me know her feelings about it when I get to much. What you should do, is give it a break, stop hounding her, find some other way to spend your days then trying to kill her mates. I don't know a lot about this whole love thing, but no matter how much I dislike you, I really don't like to see you torture yourself like this. The only one allowed to hurt you is me, you fucking asshole." Aiden was then about to walk away when he stopped, looking towards the horizon as well. "Sable," Aiden ask his voice strangely somber and distant, "Do you think I'll ever find a mate, or a lover, or whatever people call it. I mean, I've been thinking a little, seeing people out together in the towns and, well, it makes me wonder. Chronos always told me that love was a fools errand that only ends with misery, and sometimes I think your living proof of that. But others, I just can't help but wonder, maybe the reason you struggle so much is because it worth it." Aiden gave a hollow laugh as he stared out into the sunset, a small shiver in the air. Sable couldn't see it, but Aiden's eyes were becoming like those of a dragon, and were filled with a mix of rage and sorrow. "But what do I know of love, I was thrown out by own mother, and the only reason Chronos took me in was because he wanted to die a noble death in battle, He never cared for how I felt on the matter, having to kill the only father figure I've ever known. Never gave a flying fuck at how that would mess me up, how the undeniable guilt would build up in me, haunting my every night." Aiden was gripping the edge of the roof, and the air around him was getting near freezing. "You know what forget I even said anything, I'll see you down in the dojo in a minute. I just need to take a breather. Sorry for weighing down with all of these issues. Just had to get it off my chest, ya know."