Joseph smiled at Kenta's reactions- they reminded him of when he was younger. But at his age, reminiscing about childhood was kind of... Stupid, to be quite honest. But that was irrelevant. Now was the time for a meet and greet, and so he continued on. Kenta's question wasn't really unexpected, to be honest- they were all there to Duel, after all. It was only natural to respond to such a question. "Er... How to explain my deck...? It's a Star Seraph Satellarknight deck, to put it one way or another. I run the Star Seraph engine because it gives draw power..." he trailed off before stopping. His explanation would probably fly right over Kenta's head. There was probably a simpler way to... Oh, there was always that. Taking out his deck from its position on his Duel Disk, Joseph used an open seat near him as a platform to sort his deck out by monsters, spells and traps. The images alone would probably bridge the gap. The deck was also quite popular in Japan, if he recalled correctly, so it wouldn't be too much of a stretch to assume he would recognize it. "What about you?" he asked in turn as he waited for Kenta to look over his deck.