"It does seem a bit more like a village, doesn't it?" Janius agreed, chuckling at Kaleeth's comment about the temperature, "It is beautiful and warm down here as well. Up until we got down here, I thought I decided that the humid marsh was preferable to the cold, but now that I have a little perspective...it's nice not to sweat all the time." Janius grinned. "It's the main reason why most people think living in the marsh is insane," he quipped. Fendros nodded, "Right. That's a good idea." With some direction, now Fendros felt a little surer. Still, he wouldn't go wandering astray until he felt more comfortable that this wasn't all a big trap. Even though these people were probably the closest to sure allies they could depend on in all of Tamriel, save perhaps for Ariel, the memories surrounding the xanmeer kept him from relaxing. "I don't think I like being underground in places like this." He commented to no one in particular. When the pack came upon the cook fires, it only took one person to spot Meesei point her out. "There she is! The champion!" He shouted through his mouthful. A few more people had turned up for a meal, turning what might have been a small group of people into a small crowd as attention was brought to Meesei. From all directions, men and women moved forward towards the Meesei's pack excitedly and greeted Meesei all at once. "You're Meesei, right? The one who killed the Orc that appeared in all the alpha's dreams?" "The champion of Hircine! It is an honour." "Tell us how you won the ring!" "Here, have some of my pack's venison. We hunted it ourselves." "You don't carry weapons, are you a mage? My packmate is a mage, you two could talk." From between the people, young children peeked in and just seemed to want to touch the pack and run off. Thankfully, many other people present were content to watch on from their seats. It was clear that is was mostly the young and the excitable that were giving them attention. There were no shortage of those kinds of people in a clan with so many initiates. The others in Meesei's pack were not spared. Everyone was accosted by their attention in some form. "I heard your name said, Janius, correct?" "Lorag! Is it true that you punched a man's head clean off?" "You're the werecrocodile, right? I've never met one before, what is it like?" "Are you going to be winning this war?" "Your child is beautiful and healthy, what's its name?" "Please teach me your skills, I want to be a great hunter!" "Come, sit with us! We will share our kill with you." This and many other words were thrown at the pack. Fendros smiled and tried to ward them off. Janius seemed happy to indulge his ego a bit, but was eager to get forward and deal with his hunger. Sabine was just confused at all the attention and the endless questions that didn't make sense. At first, Rhazii was curious as ever, but the overwhelming attention brought him to the point of pushing his face into his mother's shoulder in fear and nearing the point of crying. Unfortunately, the crowd did not yield easily to the pack. Meesei may have to raise her voice and calm everyone down. At least people weren't being hostile. "Word travels fast, it seems," Fendros said to Ahnasha, keeping her close.