"It wasn't an act, but a game. It's nice to know how much someone will believe." Jack countered, leaning forward to meet Fubuki's eye. "I must say, it was a game you played phenomenally well. However, that was only the opening. I imagine there will be much more to developed in the future, and from this point forth, I will agree to play it straight with you." Jack changed his posture, leaning back in his seat and crossing his legs comfortably. He even went so far as to fold his hands behind his head. "But I digress," he continued, "I am not your enemy here, Fubuki, so relax. You've shown yourself worthy of my respect, so I'm happy to give you that much. Besides, I'm hardly anything to be afraid of," Jack laughed at himself. "I really didn't even have any idea where I was earlier when the plane landed."