[quote=@PKMNB0Y] Have them spontaneously interact with whoever isn't partnered up? I believe Miwa is still without a conversation partner, as is Ryo. That's two right there. [/quote] The thing is, i was supposed to have a private duel (shadow duel lmao) with Ryo, but Alexander already entered Ryo's Limo XD And Aono already entered a limo (apparently alone so far) , as i quote "as he walked away entered the limousine he was supposed to sit it, still surprised by that combo of Fubuki's. " So yeah... theres that :/ As for decks.. [hider=Emily's Alt Deck] Monsters: 3x Chainsaw Insect 3x Destiny Hero - Defender 3x Needle Worm 3x Malice Ascendant 3x Marshmallon 3x Spirit Reaper Spells: 3x Messenger of Peace 3x Swords of Revealing Light 2x Nightmare's Steelcage 1x One Day of Peace 3x Book of Eclipse 3x Gravekeeper's Servant 3x The Shallow Grave 1x Foolish Burial 1x Raigeki 2x Dark Hole [/hider] [hider=Aono's Alt Deck] Monsters: 3x D.D. Assailant 3x D.D. Warrior Lady 3x D.D. Warrior 1x Twin Sword Marauder 3x Marauding Captain 3x United We Stand 3x Exiled Force 3x Goblin Attack Force 3x Goblin Black Ops 1x Freed The Matchless General 1x Soul Charge 3x Command Knight 2x Evocator Chevalier 1x Gilford the Legend 2x Mataza The Zapper 2x Gearfried The Iron Knight 1x Crimson Ninja 2x Blade Knight [/hider]