Making a mental note of everything Joseph had said up until now, Kenta returned his deck back into his bag as he listened once more to the young man's lecture. When he made a mention of helping him fix his deck sometime soon, the boy gave him a big and wide smile. [b][i]"You...You that?"[/i][/b] There was a rush of giddy happiness evident in his face, he would love it if someone helped him tune his deck, Kenta in turn asked if there was anything he could do for the other boy, all the while still muttering words of thanks and praise. [b][i]"If there was...way I could repay you, then I give!"[/i][/b] Oops, there goes his English again, but in this state it would arguably understandable. On top of the world? Could he really win this one? Maybe not even 1st place, as long as he got somewhere. All of this is just making the boy elated and eager to start the tournament proper. [b][i]"Do you think we are close?"[/i][/b] He asked.