"...Fair enough." Fubuki sighed, leaning away from Jack's face as he moved in. "This may just be a game for you, but to me it's a bit more than that. I hope you understand." Turning her gaze away, Fubuki took a small bottle of water from the mini-fridge and began to drink from it. The arid heat of the region was still enough to suck the moisture from her body, even if the limo was air-conditioned. Being more or less stuck in a limousine with such an odd fellow... Well, it didn't sit well with her from the start. It felt like this Jack was being a tad more honest, but... She still wasn't sure what to think of him, if at all. [h1][/h1] Joseph smiled at Kenta's enthusiasm, especially given the circumstances. But really, to not have anyone else to help refine his deck...? That was pretty sad, in all honesty. The game was more fun with more people, and the only way to get better was by testing yourself over and over. Well, the second part was half right. The only reason he had come to his current deck was because he had gotten destroyed by all of the Duelists that frequented his father's store. 'Blood, sweat and tears' would definitely be an apt description of what he went through to get to this point. But he had made a lot of acquaintances along the way, so getting trounced repeatedly wasn't all that bad. "Yeah, sure. I'd be perfectly happy helping you fix up that deck." Joseph said with a smile before Kenta's words of repayment came out. "Ah... There's no need to repay me or anything. All I really want is a good showing from you during the tournament, alright?" he continued, glancing out the tinted glass windows of the limo they were in. "You know... I'm honestly not really sure where in the city we're headed. We've been moving for a while, but..." he trailed off before shrugging. "Oh well, can't be helped. Why, you eager to get this tournament started?"