[center] [b]Appearance:[/b] Short straight black hair with strips of white here and there, and dark eyes that never seem to reflect light, except for a tiny strange purple dot of light in his eyes. He's of average height and usually wears a white hoodie and black pants. Almost always smiling pleasantly. [b]Name:[/b] [color=92278f]C[/color][color=ed1c24]l[/color][color=92278f]e[/color][color=ed1c24]o[/color] [color=ed1c24]M[/color][color=92278f]e[/color][color=ed1c24]d[/color][color=92278f]a[/color][color=ed1c24]x[/color] [b]Nickname:[/b] --- [b]Age:[/b] 17 [b]Gender:[/b] Male [b]Powers:[/b] Physical strength, regeneration (only when asleep) & degradation of concepts around him. His ability messes with the very reality of an object or person and prevents them from working normally. When this ability is active, the more contact and the longer he stays around an object, the faster it breaks down, and there are no exceptions to this ability - including himself. A side effect of this power that he cannot turn off is that people and animals feel sick or angry just looking at him. [b]Skills:[/b] Talking, ignoring pain and injury. Coming back from the dead. [b]Hobbies:[/b] Sleeping, psychological torture, eating, inflicting pain, playing games, blackmail, playing with his little sister. [b]Optional info:[/b] Cleo for some reason always loses against the 'good guys', but wins against 'bad guys'. He cannot hold anything as a weapon without hurting himself. He's also a pathological liar. Cleo arrived at Orean because of its relative security and atmosphere. His parents sent him here to hide away from media attention, as lately, he was suspected of being the perpetrator of a 4 man homicide. [b]Theme song:[/b] [url=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PVQRlsv7pY0]Decretum (Arrange)[/url] [b]Clubs:[/b] Going home club [b]Dreams:[/b] [i]"To finally win against the good guys~!"[/i] [s]---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------[/s] [b]Appearance:[/b] A short girl around 4'1 and with carrot colored hair. Pale skin and gray eyes with a black tint at the center. Frail looking and usually has a band-aid or two on. Her usual attire consists of beige sweaters short skirts. [b]Name:[/b] [color=f7941d]Kanat[/color] [color=6ecff6]Medax[/color] [b]Nickname: [/b] Carrot Girl, Klutz, Girl of the Week [b]Age:[/b] 14 [b]Gender:[/b] Female [b]Powers:[/b] Clairvoyance and Psychometry. In particular, she has a 105% (meaning that she'll find out even if she does not want to) chance of finding out a persons weakness, whether that weakness be a person or a situation. There is no way to stop her from finding this weakness. [b]Skills:[/b] Crying [b]Hobbies:[/b] Playing with kittens, collecting stuffed animals, talking with people. [b]Optional info:[/b] Physically frail and sickly, as well as a slow thinker. Kanat has been described by her brother as 'the weakest person in the world' and 'that's why she knows all about weakness'. Physically unable to lie. She accompanied Cleo to Orean out of concern for him. She is likely the only person in the world that actually cares for Cleo. [b]Theme song:[/b] [url=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ng5WyzdD110]3rd ~ Eye[/url] [b]Clubs:[/b] Gardening Club [b]Dreams:[/b] To help her brother become normal & to marry someone nice[/center]