Jangbu had arrived quickly to Kasumi's house, and waited with the others. He thought he'd get to say a few words when she came out, but she just said hi, totally didn't notice his new arrow tattoos, and went straight for the ship. She was obviously eager to get started on this adventure, which was good because trouble was brewing. History seemed to show that the Avatar would come in time for some world changing problem. Sometimes war, sometimes a problem between the Spirit World and the Physical World, or something else. Unfortunately the Avatar didn't always succeed in one lifetime at solving the problem, though he'd keep thta bit of information to himself if at all possible. He went back to the ship, and sat outside as he often did. Ship rooms were often confining. It was justifiable, since ship size had to be taken into account when deciding what sort of rooms you could have. Airbenders typically used Bison for travel, though he had come alone. So here he was, on a ship, much less bothered by the cold outside than the cramped quarters inside. He did have a room, with a window, and he had taken every piece of furniture out. All he had in there was a mat, and a bag of essentials, and he spent as little time inside as possible. He waited for everyone else to board, so they could set out. It would be good for them all to have a meeting and make plans, though Jangbu never planned too far ahead. Events could conspire to thwart long term plans, and he didn't like being confined to plans and schedules any more than he liked being confined in small rooms. Still, officially remeeting, and talking about what to do next should be done soon.