While walking towards her limousine, she noticed that 2 duelists were finished dueling, with one walking away with a disapointed face. "Either that guy is major idiot, or he was just testing his opponent out.." She said to herself, looking at how he entered the limousine. "Wait a second... its that guy who I gave that card years ago... And he uses a warrior deck? It must have been a fake deck.." She said to herself, as she suddenly felt a weird presence behind her. After waiting for a while, she noticed it was somebody with a mysterious eye... and out of all limousines, he is entering the same limousine as her! "This will get interesting!" She said to herself, as she continued walking to the limousine, noticing somebody else enter the limousine as her. "Damnit.. lets hope he won't ruin my plan..." She said to herself, as she entered the limousine, noticing that that the second guy was offering a chip to the first one. As she sat down, she spoke up to the first guy. "I don't know what it is about you that makes me have interest you.. But I want to duel you right here, right now!" She said, looking Ryo straight into the eyes, putting her alt deck in front of her on the table. "That is... if you dare to duel me!" She said, with a mockingly tone in her voice. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- As Aono entered the limousine, he didn't even notice somebody else was sitting in there, and he place both feet on the table, as he grabbed a bottle of vodka next to him, starting to drink it a bit. "That sure was an interesting duel.... I wonder what would happen if I would have used this guy..." He said to himself, loud enough for the other person to hear, while he was looking at his Void Ogre Dragon which he grabbed from his deck