Well that was fast...I mean like [i]really[/i] fast 'wow. I would have thought that a fight with something like that wouldn't have been so easy' Even thought to himself. Even that fire attack the Minotaur used wasn't that big a deal, as it barely even hurt him. 'This power...it's amazing.' Turning to the girls, he said "I don't think we should stay here long. That portal looks like a way out, I think we should go in it." Even made his way to the strange looking portal, stepping over the now harmless black goo "I'm...I'm not sure if any of this was real or not, but if it is...and we meet on the other side, it would be nice if we could be friends. My name is Even, Even Caldwell. I'm British, so my family name is last." After waiting for the other two girls to reply, he entered the portal. On the other side, he returned to his bed, where he fell asleep instantly.