[b]Name:[/b]Petro Pasternack [b]Race:[/b] Human [b]Age:[/b] 37 [b]Gender:[/b] Male [b]Appearance:[/b] Petro is a stocky man, with short legs and wide shoulders. His face is rather plain, and lost easily in a crowd. He wears his blonde hair in a ponytail, keeping it fastened in place by a bow string. His eyes are blue, and kindly looking, but his crooked smirk betrays a colder nature. He is generally seen with a couple weeks worth of beard growth. [b]Clothing/Armor:[/b] Petro wears a brown woollen tunic, which is often shabby looking and stitched in multiple places. He wears woollen hosen, dyed green. His brown leather boots are well worn, often caked in mud. A black leather belt with a silver buckle holds his apparel together at the midsection. [b]Weapons:[/b] Yew short bow, quiver of 32 arrows of varying styles and a wood axe. The bow is usually unstrung and fastened to his back. The axe is also strapped to his back, crisscrossing with the bow. His quiver is fastened to his belt, and hangs by his side. Additionally, a skinning knife is stashed into a small pouch, usually located on the opposite thigh to his quiver. [b]Skills/Abilities:[/b] Petro is a [b]capable archer[/b], but should not be considered a champion or professional. He is [b]fairly knowledgeable in forest lore[/b], having dwelt in woodlands for a decade. [b]Hunting[/b] is his main profession, however, animals are not always his prey. As a result, he is an [b]able sneaker[/b], and also has a certain [b]charm about him[/b], which often gets him out of trouble with the law. [b]Magic:[/b] N/A [b]Inventory:[/b] A leather face mask with two eye holes, 3 silver pieces, a variety of animal skins rolled up and stored in a sash he carries over his shoulder, bed roll, fire lighting untencils, sharpening flint. [b]Backstory:[/b] [i]He's a funny one, that Pasternack. He came into town... well, near on fifteen winters ago. Was a real happy, go-lucky sort. Had with him a fine woman. Aye, they were both young. A lovely couple really. They bought a house here, so they must have come from money. The girl was a generous type, I remember that much. Always giving scraps to the beggars, n letting them kip in the barn when the frost settled. That right there, was her folly. Only problem with being nice to broken men is, is that you forget why they ended up beggars in the first place. Now not all of them are bad, no sir. Some are just good folk, falling on hard times. Others though? Scum. Greedy, lustful vermin- a cancer really. They drain the good people, aye, take advantage they do... and well, one night as Petro's Mrs was letting a couple of roughians into the barn, some advantage taking went down. Petro killed them both, but not before the damage was done. I still remember that night, ya know? The screams. That poor lass, she must called for help for half an hour. No one that heard did anything... myself included. When Petro came down the street, swaying with wine, he heard her screams and became a man possessed. Never knew such rage could be found in the hearts of men... no sir. Well, in any case the poor lass died a month later from her injuries. That's when Petro sold up shop, and started living out in the country. He'd disappear for weeks on end, sometimes returning with animal skins and meats. Other times with the kinda valuables one dont find out in the woods or the fields. Still, no one thought too much of it. We like to keep to ourselves after all. That's when things got a bit weird. Joal Thomas, the watchman on guard the night Petro's Mrs got herself done in, vanished. Aye, and he was followed by Petro's old neighbour a week later- and then Cathy Fletcher from the stores at the end of the road. The guard could never make much of it, but you know what I think? I think Petro is after everyone who coulda done something, but didn't, them ten years ago. That's why I sleep with an axe under my pillow, and a dog at my feet.[/i]