"Well, you have your secrets and I have mine. I'm not going to lay all my cards out on the table that easily." Fubuki said, a small smirk on her face. It was a battle of intellectuals in this limousine, and both of them were carefully calculating their moves. It was as entertaining as a duel, trying to outwit one another. Well, that's how duels usually went, right? It was a battle of resources, and whoever managed to deplete the enemy's first won. "So I believe we should leave that topic aside. After all, you've got your own motivations to be here, correct?" [h1][/h1] "Er... Yeah, I guess you could say I'm pumped for this. In a way. I'm excited, certainly. Not even for the tournament itself, but also the city we're in. I mean, you've gotten a free trip to one of the most famous cities in America- Dueling isn't everything in life, after all. That doesn't mean it isn't a big part of it, though." Joseph said as the limousine they were in began to slow down near the Palace they were slated to get to. "Huh. Well. I guess that's what happens when you leave early, right? Missed the worst of the traffic, I think." he said, finishing off the rest of his soda and looking at the Palace from inside the limousine. It was large. He knew mansions were usually large, but this... This was on a different scale by itself.