Main Holding stank of unwashed bodies and excrement, as well as a hint of blood from fights that weren't stopped because they had been too minor to cause organ damage. If one lived here, though, they tended to get used to the smell, which to newcomers could get overpowering at first. Today, some livers were due to be harvested, and the few werewolves who had managed to keep track of dates had spread the news. The collective anxiety was through the roof. Aubrey was one of those, and the thought made her snarl softly to herself. The last thing she wanted to do was wear that stupid mask again, but most of the time when she bit her handlers it was instinctive. She just couldn't hold herself back. She paced in a circle, then quietly went behind one of the filthy canvas screens. They would find her, she knew that, but she didn't want it to be too easy for them. It was day one. Rey had already been told the basic layout of the building and what happened to the werewolves, but now was his chance to capture it all on video. Lunie Health loomed in front of him, black against the early morning sky. He took a moment to make sure his tiny camera was properly hidden on his work uniform, took a steeling breath to prepare himself for whatever he might see within the factory, and walked in through the main entrance. It was time.