[center][url=http://tektek.org/av/1757826][img]http://imagizer.imageshack.com/img537/918/yaQkx5.png[/img][/url] [b][i]Karn Fiore || Kabo || Council Library Interacting: Penny[/i][/b][/center] Karn hummed happily as he sat beside the warm fire, happy that he was drying off. At the question, his smile faded and his emerald eyes looked to her for a moment before thoughtfully staring at the flames. To be honest, he wasn't sure anymore. He knew the excuses he had but it was just pathetic to not get over that one fear after many years right? He accepted he deserved it, that things happen, that people get upset to the point of doing things they wouldn't do normally. It was human nature. So why was he still afraid, of nothing else but water? [center][h2][color=violet]~~13 Years Earlier~~[/color][/h2][/center] [i][color=lime]"Mom! Can we go fishing? I want to catch a really big one!"[/color] A small blonde child with wide green eyes chirped up to a woman about the spitting older image of him, wearing a light blue dress and had her long blonde hair pulled back in a braid that reached to her hips. The emerald eyed woman smiled as she cut some fruits in the kitchen, her delicate fingers gracefully running along the apple in her hand. [color=palegreen]"Well I'm not so sure. I guess it is pretty clear outside but perhaps you should wait for your father and brother to return."[/color] she said kindly, her voice smooth and motherly as she resumed cutting up the apple. A groan came from the little boy before giving a pout. [color=lime]"Buuuuut Moooooom! I want to fish! Erik always gets all the fishes and brags about it! Says I'm too little to do anything! Please? I've been practicing swimming and fishing by the river but all the good fishes are on the ocean. Please!"[/color] the boy begged, pouted and whined. Sighing, the woman set down the apple and looked outside before smiling down at him. [color=palegreen]"Well alright, but only for a hour or two alright? Now my little sunshine how about you take a bath, eat your lunch and get your things ready okay? And give your hard working mother some hugs and kisses."[/color] she grinned before kneeling down and capturing the little boy in a bear hug, huggling the poor little boy who squirmed. [color=lime]"Bleeeeh!!!! Mooooom! Do you have to hug and kiss me so much?! It's embarrassing! The other kids say only girls hug and do kissy stuff."[/color] he complained but his mother just hugged him closer. [color=palegreen]"Oh Karn, don't listen to them. If you don't show your affection to someone, how will they know you care? Sometimes, they don't believe only words, and they need a hug to go along with how much you care. Understand? Or do you not care for me?"[/color] his mother grinned softly. Karn blinked at the words, seeming not to fully comprehend them but hugged his mother around the neck and pecked her cheek. [color=Lime]"I love you mom! No question to it!"[/color] he smiled brightly. Chuckling the woman pecked his forehead before ushering him out the room. [color=palegreen]"I love you too, now Karnold Arikelia, get to the bath."[/color] She said with a playful grin. Karn pouted but smiled, before skipping away down the hall. ---- [color=Lime]"Mom!"[/color] Screaming, the young boy tried to hand on to the rocking wooden boat for dear life, his mother attempting to keep it stable as she shifted her body weight with the roaring waves. The storm had come out of no where, just not long ago the sky was a clear blue and the ocean water still and calm. Now, however, a sudden storm had raged and the waves were roaring, the rain pounding against it and thunder booming in the sky. Screams erupted as a large waved came over them, crushing the boat and sending the passengers into the angry ocean. Salt water filled Karn's mouth and dived into his small lungs. Coughing and choking, the boy tried with all his might to keep his head above water, but the waves kept slamming on top of him, as if forcing him to stay under. His mother... Where was she? He needed to save her... She needed help... He wanted to come out here... Looking around desperately for her, his emerald eyes wide with panic and the sound of his heart pounding so loudly in his ear drums, he spotted her in the dark sea. For a moment, he saw her face stretched in fear as she managed to spot him, seeming to try and swim over to him, but another wave came crashing down on them. When he went to look again, all he saw was her arm, sinking. Eyes stretched in terror, he stretched his arms and tried to swim over to her, as fast as his little body could. If only if he was bigger like Erik, if only he could be faster and stronger... If he could swim as powerful as sea serpent in the stories. He could save her. He had to save her. Please, let him safe her! Then, everything in his vision went black, and he felt his body sink into the cold water's embrace. ---- It was cold.... Wet.... Dark... He was freezing. Opening his emerald eyes slowly, Karn blinked as he felt the cool sand of the beach. Slowly sitting up, he coughed. Some water coming out, along with a red sticky liquid. Touching his lips with his index and middle fingers, he drew his fingers back to see hem covered in red. Did he hit his lip? Looking around, he saw his home not too far off, before he fully stood and started calling as he remembered what happened. [color=lime]"...Mom? Mom?! Where are you?! Mooooom?!"[/color] The young boy called and screamed, running along the beach and searching for her. But there were no signs. Soft choking sobs came from the young boy, salty tears dripping from his eyes and down his cheeks. [color=lime]"M-Mommy?! Please.... Answer me Mommy... I'm sorry I won't do anything bad again, I promise... So please... Mommy... Come home... I'll hug and kiss you so much, I don't care what they say, as long as Mommy comes back to me... Please!"[/color] The young boy screamed and sobbed, pleading to anyone, anything to bring his mother back. But she never did. ---- The house had grown dark, so dark and cold over the few days. It was like after she died, the light and warmth went with her. She was the one who made this house happy. But now she was gone, and so was the happiness. Karn walked down the hall to his parents room, looking at the door with sad emerald eyes before reaching up to grab the doorknob and gingerly open the wooden door. It stunk of alcohol... Peeking inside, he saw a man with a shaggy ginger beard and hair sitting on the large fluffy white bed. Tired blue eyes staring down at his brown shoes on his feet. [color=lime]"...Daddy? I brought you lunch..."[/color] Karn said softly, slowly entering with a sandwich he had made and set it beside his father. Receiving no answer, the boy stared up at home softly, before gently reaching to touch his arm. [color=Lime]"D-Daddy, you need to eat..."[/color] the little boy managed to squeak out as he gently touched his father'a arm. As he did though, his father smacked the small hand away and angrily glared at the boy. [color=orangered]"Don't touch me!"[/color] His father shouted angrily, making Karn shrink back in fear and surprise. The man trembled as he stared at the young blonde boy, his face softening one moment before hardening in utter rage the next. As if conflicted. With a snarl, the man stuttered into a standing position and his large hand grabbed the boy by the throat and lifted him up. [color=Orangered]"It's not fair... You look just like her.. But you killed her... Drowning is one of the worse ways to die. It's slow, and painful ... How would you feel if it was you? You let her die alone... She's gone... Gone.. Why didn't you be with her? She's all alone now. How could you?"[/color] the man slurred, his words a mess and incoherent. Karn gasped for air as his hands tried to pry his fathers fingers away, his legs kicking slightly. [color=lime]"I-I'm sorry Daddy! I-I'm sorry she's gone!"[/color] The boy sobbed as he struggled. [color=Orangered]"Sorry.. You're sorry? You will be."[/color] Came a soft, almost gentle voice from the man as he carried the boy to the bathroom. Shoving the boy down in the tub, face facing upward as the father grabbed a grey washcloth and shoved it into the boy's face before turning on the faucet right above the boy. Karn felt cold water smash against his covered face, the washcloth soaking up as much as if could, making it harder to breathe. Choking, Karn struggled and gasped for air, trying to pry away from his father and the washcloth. But no matter how hard he tried, he just wasn't strong enough. And a part of him felt like he deserved this..[/i] [center][h2][color=violet]~~Present Day~~[/color][/h2][/center] Blinking softly at the memories, he shook his head to be rid of them before looking up from the fire and glancing to Penny again. Forcing another smile as he thought about what to say. [color=lime]"...My mom drowned when a storm hit when me and her were fishing. Guess that sort of haunted me after all these years. Father didn't take the incident very well either.. He punished me a lot for it. So I would feel the pain she probably went through."[/color] he answered softly as he turned to look at the fire again. He wasn't shy about sharing his past, it was in the past after and he didn't keep secrets. It's just usually such topics were uncomfortable for most people. Though he also knew there were others with much more worse pasts, so why should he feel special? He shouldn't. He was sure the Phoenix Wing members probably didn't have easy lives. Wizards tended to have poor pasts. Karn chuckled softly and smiled to her. [color=lime]"I know, it's a silly fear. After all, real Wizards shouldn't be afraid of water. But I can't help it. I do try to train to get over he fear. Got a little improvement with Ru. I'm calmer in the water as long someone is there at least."[/color] he said with a soft mile.