[hider=King of Spades] [u][b]Name[/b][/u] - Unknown at this time [u][b]Alias[/b][/u] - The King of Spades [u][b]Age [/b][/u]- Unknown at this time [u][b]Powers[/b][/u] - Seems to be merely human, but if that is the case then he is challenging all the pre-conceived notions of what being ‘merely human’ can achieve. His strength, endurance and speed all border super human. Displays evidence of militarty training, being an expert marksman, adept with explosives and a superlative tactician. He is also an expert hand to hand fighter, employing a style of combat that incorporates boxing, krav maga, keysi fighting method and good ol’ fashioned street fighting. [u][b]Weaknesses[/b][/u] - Due to the mystery surrounding him his weaknesses are unknown, though evidence suggests that he may be merely human. [u][b]Appearance[/b][/u] - Wears this [url=http://img3.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20121203154504/villains/images/0/0c/King_of_Spades_2.jpg]mask[/url] with this [url=http://i.imgur.com/951JQgv.jpg?1]symbol[/url] painted upon the brow His [url=http://th09.deviantart.net/fs71/PRE/f/2012/281/1/0/future_soldier_concept_by_adelric_115-d5h578u.jpg]armour[/url] has a muted red, dull brass and smoke white colour scheme. [u][b]Weapons[/b][/u] - High powered assault [url=http://fc06.deviantart.net/fs70/f/2012/078/7/d/ghost_recon__future_soldier_mr_b_assault_rifle_by_scarlighter-d4taihs.jpg]rifle[/url], high powered [url=http://gallery.pub.goha.ru/gals/news/2013/04/18/ps2/ps2/orig/684e9f6d28ea83948e1aa298f0dc44cc.jpg]revolver[/url], 45 calibre Colt [url=http://www.coltautos.com/images/1911a1_1121296a.jpg]M1911A1[/url] automatic pistol. Military combat [url=http://ecx.images-amazon.com/images/I/31KKgzYDAkL.jpg]knife[/url]. Numerous explosive grenades, flashbangs and smoke grenades. [b][u]Notes[/u][/b] - Indisputably the leader of the Royal Flush Gang, surveillance footage and eye witness testimonies revealing that he has welded the extreme and disparate personalities of his fellow gang members into a cohesive military unit. If not for him then they would almost certainly not have been as successful as they have been. Picture him like this universes version of the Punisher. [/hider] [Hider=Queen of Spades] [u][b]Name [/b][/u]- Elizabeth 'Lizzie' Monahue [u][b]Alias [/b][/u]- The Queen of Spades [u][b]Powers [/b][/u]- Wields the Sceptre Royal, a tool that allows her to create realistic illusions. [u][b]Weaknesses [/b][/u]- Dislikes having to use physical force. Poor combat skills. Conceited. [u][b]Weapons [/b][/u]- The Sceptre Royal, allows her to create realistic illusions that fools the senses of her foes. It can also fire beams of concentrated concussive force, though she is hesitant to use this. [u][b]Appearance [/b][/u]- Wears this [url=http://www.fannybrides.com/images/v/20130415/13660059051.jpg]dress[/url], though the black and red will be color swapped. The hearts would be spades. She would also wear high red gloves and tights, with this [url=http://masqueboutique.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/03/Antonio-Red-.jpg]mask[/url]. [u][b]Notes [/b][/u]- Lizzie Monahue was once a woman engaged to the son of a wealthy oil tycoon. However her fiance was killed in one of the Jokers crazed schemes. Lizzie's in-laws wanted little to do with her anymore, and she was forced to take care of herself. With few skills or career oppurtunitys, and no close familly of her own, she had to take work at a strip club, her stripper identity being the Queen of Hearts. One year ago she dissapeared, suspicions now being that she was recruited by the King of Spades to become his new Queen. She displays extreme loyalty to King, though little more than disdain for her other team mates. [/hider] [hider=Ace of Spades] [u][b]Name [/b][/u]- N/A [u][b]Alias [/b][/u]- The Ace of Spades [u][b]Powers [/b][/u]- Super Strength, durability and speed. Being an android he feels no pain or emotion. Completely loyal to King. [u][b]Weaknesses [/b][/u]- Has no inititive of his own. No ranged capabilites, other than throwing stuff. [u][b]Appearance [/b][/u]- Exactly [url=http://img2.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20120917180131/marvel_dc/images/f/f0/Ace_of_Spades_II_002.jpg] this[/url], save he has a blank face (Think the Ace from Batman Beyond DCAU) [u][b]Weapons [/b][/u]- N/A [u][b]Notes [/b][/u]- The only surviving member of the second Royal Flush Gang, though it appears he's been completely reprogrammed since his first appearances to now be absolutely loyal to the new King. Other than that there is very little of interest to the android, other than his incredible strength and toughness. This guy has gone blow for blow with Superman, so don't underestimate him.[/hider] [hider=Jack of Spades] [u][b]Name [/b][/u]- David Magnus Jr, Davey [u][b]Alias [/b][/u]- The Jack of Spades [u][b]Powers [/b][/u]- Appears to be a man made of liquid alien metal. He can morph his body for a variety of uses, such as changing his shape and appearance, or forming basic weapons such as knifes, hammers and axes. [u][b]Weaknesses [/b][/u]- Suffers from bipolar disorder, which he must takes medication for. It impairs his judgement. Extreme heat may be able to melt him, and extreme cold may be able to make him brittle. Also the most likely member of the gang to challenge King's leadership [u][b]Appearance [/b][/u]- Like [url=http://4.bp.blogspot.com/-orn-Sznp5V8/Us0VaisUoXI/AAAAAAAAHkI/m2SaWgQcEX0/s1600/hipster-tattoos-men-42.jpg]this[/url] while wearing this [url=http://rlv.zcache.co.uk/black_jack_of_spades_tshirt-re7d8b1d5a4a34637a5c5dbebdbdddd37_va6lr_324.jpg]t-shirt[/url]. [u][b]Weapons [/b][/u]- None, though he can morph parts of his body into simple weapons. [u][b]Notes [/b][/u]- The son of David Magnus, making David Jr the nephew of Will Magnus, who created the Metal Men. Davey and Magnus have never met each other, due to a falling out between David senior and his brother. Despite this Davey has abilities remarkably similar to the Metal Men, though how this has come to be is a mystery. Picture him like the T-1000 from Terminator 2. [/hider] [hider=Ten of Spades] [u][b]Name [/b][/u]- Dakota Jamieson [u][b]Alias [/b][/u]- Ten of Spades [u][b]Powers [/b][/u]- Super speed, and all that entails. When she activates her powers her body is enveloped in a skin tight invisible aura that protects her from friction and wind shear. She is essentially invincible while running. [u][b]Weaknesses [/b][/u]- Dakota is deep thinker. While her powers would benefit from someone who makes snap decsions she instead spends her time pondering the effects her actions might take. She's unskilled in the use of her powers, often running into things that she should be able to avoid, and terrible at stopping. She isn't entirely sure she agrees with the RFG's mission. [u][b]Weapons [/b][/u]- None [u][b]Appearance [/b][/u]- [url=http://i.imgur.com/oP2RaT3.png?1]This[/url], though her house is spades, not clubs. [u][b]Notes [/b][/u]- Dakota Jamieson is a young Native American, a former agent of A.R.G.U.S who befriended Johnny Chambers A.K.A Johnny Quick. After Johnny was killed in battle against a villain he had already apprehended twice in the past Dakota realised the flaw in the 'revolving door' policys of the American justice system. Taking Johnny's formula for super speed she became a vigilante, killing several small time crooks. She was then recruited by King. However she is starting to have second thoughts about her new hardline principles, her faith in the RFG's cause wavering. [/hider]