Name: John Locksen Title: Member of the Crimson Blood Race: Human Age: 23 Appearance: John was born one of the Nothern Gilet folk from Frostfell making him a pale white in skin colour with light brown hair and brown eyes he is like many of ththe Gilet a large man with a great determination about his face. History: John was born in Erthane and has never seen frostfell but found his place among the Crimson Blood mercenaries who work for the Slayer government. When the opportunity came that he would lead and expedition into the Southern Mountains for an artifact lost to the ages he accepted and set sail with forty other trained men to retrieve the artifact of untold power. Personality: John is a solemn man with great combat skill and is more stubborn than an ox. Some might think him foolish but find him a mission and point him in the right direction he will do the rest. Weapons and equippement: John wields a large ax which he can two hand or one hand if he pleases with a medium sized round shield strapped to his back. John also favors hardened leather armor instead of bulky steel is weak bronze.