Aono heard a voice in the card, and as he looked up, he saw a girl sitting, making the Void Ogre Dragon fall out of his hand out of suprise. "Oh... I didn't notice you sitting there... Wait a second, where are my manners.." He mummbled out loud, as he put the flask of vodka next to him on the table. "The name is Aono.. " Aono tried to say, as another guy just entered the limousine, walking past Aono, sitting next to him. "So yeah.. Sorry for me not noticing at you first." He said with a gentle smile. "Damn... there goes my opportunity to get a chick.." He thought to himself, as he looked towards the guy who just sat next to him. "And yeah, I'm digging the free stuff here too.. This vodka is quite good!" He claimed, as he took another sip. "So how come you guys are here too, you guys are duelists too i guess?" He asked with a gentle tone in his voice.