[quote=@Sixsmith] [quote=@LokiLeo789] [quote=@Sho Minazuki] By the way Loki... Are you confusing "defiantly" with "definitely"? I notice your usage of defiantly has been strange, so I wanted to make sure. Also Jack is certainly not leader material, but more girls in the team the better. [/quote] Yes, the auto correct on my tablet changes it to that, and when I read over it I miss it, hence making me confuse the 2 words. Thanks for pointing that out. [/quote] I know that fell. Every time I want to use a specific word it'll keep changing it to something different, so I have to change it constantly for like two minutes and it's aggravating. ._. I think I misspelled corresponding once, not even terribly, I missed an r and put on extra s and it came out, "cirrus pundi" LIKE WHAT THE FICK IS THAT EVEN? AND WHY, AUTO CORRECT? Same shit happens with google chrome's spellcheck. I'll miss a letter or add one too many and it'll suggest words not even close to the spelling I was trying to achieve, so I'll have to go to Google search. Surprise, Google search actually gives me the correct fucking spelling. Weird how Chrome doesnt, though. The hell? Shouldn't they... Never mind, whatever ;_; /rant Also, I have another two hours of work before I go hoooome hurraaaay and then I'll be able to post. Mmf, two days off mother fucker. >:o And one's a Tuesday so I get to watch Supernatural. ;_; Oh my jesus. [/quote] Were the misspellings on purpose to be ironic or did you just coincidently write "fell" instead of "feel."