[center][img]http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/2/2c/Todd_Rundgren_1978.jpg[/img][/center] [b]Name:[/b] Simon Davison [b]Bio:[/b] Nothing much can be said about Simon's upbringing other than how average it was. Born in the spring of 58, he grew up in a house in the suburbs with his parents and four siblings. It was not until Simon reached the age of 14 that everything else seemed to melt away if it were not related to music or the peace movement. After picking up the guitar at age 12 and becoming politically involed at age 13, those were the only things that seemed to matter to Simon. He would attend protests and rallies, of course with his guitar always on his back and a sign in his hand. This is the one thing that sets him apart from the other members of his band. While the others spend their time scoring with chicks, getting drunk out of their mind, and attending parties, Simon is out with protesters and activists, visiting hippie communities in which he has quite a few connections and friends. He is somewhat romantically challenged as he is a bit awkward around women in which he finds attractive and he can't possibly get past the idea of sticking it in some girl who he barely knows. However, there will be the odd occasion where the band will convince him to come along to parties and when Simon will go home with a woman. When it comes to drugs and alchohol, Simon does not intake nearly as much as his other band mates. While he smokes both tobacco and marijuana on a daily basis, his intake of alcohol is far and few. The only other drug he has taken is acid. [b]Age:[/b] 22 [b]Role In the Band:[/b] lead guitar [b]Additional info:[/b] it's safe to say that Simon is rather quiet at most times and his refusal to fight with anyone (verbally and physically) often helps to keep peace among the band mates.