Even for Meesei, the walk into the dining chamber was a wake-up call. In her mind, she had known what being Champion meant. She had known that it signified that Hircine found her to be the strongest among his hounds. She had known that it was a station his followers would look up to, something they might even idolize. Now, however, she was seeing it firsthand. The ones that were running up to meet them were mostly younger initiates, but even the older lycans had their attention firmly on her. Of course, the rest of her pack were also receiving their own share of the attention. Kaleeth was nervous at the sudden barrage of questions and stuck close to Janius silently, but Lorag and Ahnasha were much more open. Lorag initially was annoyed by the questioning, but as soon as he realized that it was an opportunity to brag about his own exploits, he started giving some mostly-true answers. Ahnasha responded similarly, though she also had to worry about calming Rhazii. To Fendros' comment, she simply looked at him and nodded with a slight chuckle. Meesei was receiving most of the questions, to the point that she could not answer them all if she wanted to. She was holding on to Sabine's hand, and it was clear that she was not comfortable with the sudden attention. Meesei had to put on a public face, an attitude with which to address the crowd. She had to find something that was a mix between friendly and assertive. Her position was one of strength, so there was no circumstance in which she could allow herself to be viewed as submissive, but at the same time, she did not want to be known as a cruel or distant leader. She wanted to be someone they could approach or admire, but she had to be sure that she was always seen as being in charge of the situation. Meesei raised up her hand and spoke in a voice that was not harsh or rude, but loud and firm enough to demand attention. "Now, even I cannot answer you all at once." She began to bring them to relative silence, making sure to continue before she was interrupted. "I am sure you all have many questions, and there will be time for answers. We are here to help protect your clan, to bring our might down to bear upon its enemies. We will be with you for some time, so for right now, let us sit and eat together, as brothers and sisters of Hircine's blood."