First of all, I don't fault you for being too busy to tend to the roleplay, it happens, about the only time I'll do so is when a GM completely vanishes from his own game with no warning and turns up posting someplace else, because hey, maybe a bit of warning that the RP was about to be dropped would've been nice. But yeah, if Raineh's going to bring up that I'm not approved yet like it makes that much of a difference, well, yeah, I'm not. Indeed still waiting for that. I've said that discussion about character limits is nice and good, yes? And I'm sure I can find it around. But, when a player wants to learn what another character is capable of, what does he or she do? He or she goes to look at that character's CS, am I correct? And when I did that I found what I've been talking about for the last few posts. I haven't asked for re-reviews. I haven't asked for the characters to be taken down. I haven't even asked for what was discussed to be edited in. I'm just saying that an excuse, provided by another player, about "outstanding characters not becoming a problem" is rather moot, at least until any kind of review or judgement about character abilities is provided.