[b]Kassy[/b] Kassy kept up with Rose as much as she could, which was pretty easy considering she stopped to drop off the gauntlets. She followed after her as they ran, presumably towards the exits. Kassy looked around her, and noticed most of the cops were still dazed, and unaware of where they had gone, but some were passed out, and other's unaffected. "How many of them are there? It looks like there's so many, that they all have reacted differently." Kassy said as she turned back towards Rose as she ran with her. "By the way, why are you helping me? Your'll go to jail too you know. There's no way you can explain any of this." Kassy asked her new 'friend' as they started to near the doors. [b]Naoto[/b] [i]What the fu- arrg! This sound... where is it coming from!? I can't... concentrate... I can't... think straight![/i] Naoto screamed within his head. He was kneeling on the ground, grasping his ears in a futile attempt to block out the sound. Even after it had stopped he still heard a deafening ringing, enough to keep him from standing. [i]Why won't it go away!? I can't think straight![/i] he yelled more inside his own head, before letting out a yell audible to everyone else. At which point after his yell, he noticed something strange. He saw the two women bolting for the doors... straight for a swirling vortex they didn't seem to notice. It was a fourth dimensional object... like... a hole through space.... Naoto tried to stand straight and yell out, but he was too paralyzed to stop them. [h1]The Big Event[/h1] [h3]And now we're back after the short commercial break![/h3] A giant fourth dimensional hole opened up in front of the doors to the building, only visible to those with sight. Those strongly connected with energy could feel a change happening. Those with sound, cannot hear anything yet. The hole stretches, and warps, changing size. After the short few seconds it was happening, it all collapses within itself, revealing a creature in it's place as the hole has disappeared. The creature falls a few feet to the ground, shaking itself and sniffing the air as it takes it it's surroundings. The creature walks on four feet... if that describes it well.... If it were to stand, it would be eight feet tall. It seems to have several extra arms coming out of it's body in random directions, all of which are wrapped around it like it a blanket. It has no eyes, or visible ears, but that doesn't stop it from knowing everything happening around it. It's pale in color, while it's arms are various unnamed colors only those with sight have ever seen. The creature takes a single step forward, and makes a barking sound... a sound only those with sound can hear. It sounds like what one would assume was a demon, combined with what one would think the hounds of hell might sound like. It twitches it's head slightly, before sprinting faster than the human eye could see, then disappearing from it's original location. Through it's movements it smashes past Rose and Kassy, knocking them out of the way like ragdolls, before appearing near one of the group of police. Those that can see it have recovered enough to react, by aiming their guns and firing. As each bullet would seemingly hit the beast, it would move somewhere else nearby. At one point, it ends up next to the cops, and sends out three of it's arms, grabbing three of the cops that saw it, before disappearing to an unknown location, seemingly destroying the cops in a painless death. The monster reappears behind Kurano, facing the two twins. It slowly examines them, while also noting Kurano and the young girl behind him. The creature opens it's mouth, revealing several tongues seemingly moving through each other, as it taunts it's prey, ready to pounce and destroy them in a simple hit.