Shishirou stopped just before the boss brought its enormous hands down. The flying bodies of players were a sight to see, if it wasn't such a critical situation, maybe she'd be betting with her friends who goes the farthest. She shook her head, knowing that it was no time to be thinking about things like that. She saw Alex running around with the Boss's weapon, and hitting it with it. Oh, the irony. Well, she had to do her part too. She ran at the boss with all she had. She saw how it killed another player with a simple-minded, yet powerful fist to the... well, to the everything. A flame stood there, and Shishirou passed by it, her katana ready to slash at the boss. But she couldn't have expected the second attack of the boss, sweeping its arm on an arc. She was about to be caught up on it, but out of instinct, she decided to hold to the boss' arm. [color=fff200]"Someone! Make it! Stop!"[/color] Shishirou felt sick, being swung around like that. It had been a bad idea, but at least she wasn't a flame by now. At times like this, she wondered why did she go for a speed build instead for a raw strength and defense one, like that, she wouldn't have been able to climb unto this guy's arm. It finally stopped after a while and Shishirou let go of it, falling to the ground on all fours. She was about to vomit, she felt like it. Luckily, the game didn't support that kind of feature. It'd be embarrassing if it did. She finally recovered and looked at the boss with desdain. Now it was personal. [color=fff200]"You... you just aimed to kill me, right? So, that means you were trying to kill me... RIGHT!? Then.... whatever I do next is what you deserve... RIGHT!?"[/color] She ran at the boss like crazy. After that quote, she just had to kill the boss, or at least make sure someone form her party did. While the boss charged up its dark magic attack, Shishirou ran right next to its back and started slashing and dicing it as if there wasn't going to be a tomorrow. If it was a real katana, it probably would have already lost its edge. [color=fff200]"Shineee! Shine, shine, shine, shine, shine, shine!"[/color] She shouted as her katana moved around. She put her katana over her shoulder again and charged the same attack from before, but this time, she tried to make the knaji for 'die' with the trail of flames. Unluckily, her sword skill turned off before she could finish. [color=fff200]"Ah, I screwed up. Well, whatever. Fire is always good against zombies anyhow!..... Unless they catch on fire and start running after you. I hope this guy doesn't do that."[/color] She said, resting a bit and swiping the sweat off her forehead. The aggro of it was focused on someone else, so she could, at the very least, take a little rest. Until the boss started shouting. [color=fff200]"W-What?"[/Color] She covered her ears, but she still noticed the glitch sound. Wait, was all of those things from before just a glitch? Really? That was just... infuriating! Before, the boss seemed... intelligent, somehow, but now it went back to being just an AI swinging around against the player with the most aggro. Shishirou tilted her head at that fact, maybe it was in its programming? No, no, no time to think about those kinds of details. Right now, she needs to focus on the boss right before her, or she'll end up like the Spriggan in her team. She jumped back, and scanned the area. Her arm was still feeling numb from her attacks from before, or at least, it felt like it was. She looked at her team and saw Arina still shooting arrows at the boss. [color=fff200]"Ah."[/color] she had seemingly remembered something. She put her hands around her mouth and started shouting at Arina. [color=fff200]"Aim at its knees, Arina-chan! He won't be able to adventure anymore after that!"[/color] She said with a grin on her face, before turning around to the boss again. Well... it didn't seem to have any knees, now that looked at it. [color=fff200]"Or... just aim to where the knees should be."[/color] She returned to action, slashing at the arm that was nearest to her. Maybe she could climb up its arm and land a hit on its head? It was worth a try, at the very least.