[center][b]Penny[/b][/center] Penny could see all the pain, the fear, the hurt that seemed to cross over Karn's face, and she wished she hadn't asked. Anger flashed, bright and hot, as he said his father punished him, for his mothers death. And the words just came out. [color=f6989d]"your father punished you, a child, for something you couldn't control? Do you have clairevoyant powers we don't know about? Were you able to predict her death? That's disgusting. Your father should have been protectinf you, not punishing you!"[/color] [i]throttle it back, Penny.[i] but she just couldn't. A parent shouldnt punish a child, they should protect them. For the few short years before they went to face the world themselves, they should protect them.'and yet she knew all too often, that that wasn't true. [color=f6989d]"everyone fears something, Karn"[/color] her voice was softer now, almost childlike, [color=f6989d]"if we didn't, we wouldn't be human. We wouldn't be able to find the strength to protect those we care about. We wouldn't be able to...become stronger. Fear is healthy, but when you let it take over your life, fear can be a hinderance. You can't let it take over your life Karn, your mother wouldn't have wanted that. Her thoughts would have been to get to you, to get you out. We all have a time, Karn. If I can go down trying to protect someone I love, like your mother, I think I could die happy, knowing that they survived"[/color] her voice grew softer, quieter, as she spoke, and her face went blank of emotion, as she turned to stare into the fire. [center][b]Sasha[/b][/center] Sasha jumped up, having forgotten about the tea [color=6ecff6]"oh! Sorry, I'll get it right now!"[/color] she said, boiling the water again and making the tea, she spoke as she worked [color=6ecff6]"I chose a colour that meant something to me. Blue, because that was my mothers eye color. My little brothers. Everyday it reminds me of them, and I'm thankful for that"[/color] Sasha shifted, and showed her guild mark, on her right arm, near the shoulder, the sleeve deliberately torn there to show it. [color=6ecff6]"I thought about getting it over my heart, but, wel..."[/color] she trailed off, blushing, and focusing on the tea, setting cups down