[i]Only the [color=goldenrod]Brave[/color] dare to look upon the [color=gray]gray[/color]-upon the things that cannot be explained easily, upon the things which often engender [color=darkred]mistakes[/color], upon the things whose cause cannot be understood, upon the things we must accept and live with. And therefore only the [color=goldenrod]Brave[/color] dare to look upon difference without flinching.[/i] [indent][indent][indent][indent]-Richard Hungerford[/indent][/indent][/indent][/indent] [h1] [/h1] Finn Rohrbach stood with a puzzled look on his face. In front of him, a whiteboard covered with complex calculations and data. He tilted his head slightly, for the umpteenth time this evening, and furrowed his brow. A curious hand rose to stroke the stubble on his chin, a move that he said made him feel more... scientific. In reality, it just sort of made him look... odd. One of the science majors and her professor, Dr. Stanton, stood behind him, passing confused glances to one another. [color=cyan]"Ah-ha! I've got it!"[/color] He exclaimed, only trying to further his ridiculous stereotyping. The two behind him, the short stumpy older gentleman, and the tall and lanky science nerd beside him, both gave him startled looks, even more confused by his actions. All they'd wanted was a second opinion on their research... For the next hour or so, Rohrbach spent his time explaining the fallacies in their analysis of the results and their error in the experiment, completely dissolving all of their previous hard work. The man, Dr. Stanton, gave Rohrbach an unamused look before politely asking the man to leave so that he and his students, half of the class was still there, could continue their lesson. Rohrbach turned to look at the rest of the students who had decided to stay through his long dialogue. [color=cyan]"O-Oh! Well, hello there!"[/color] He greeted them, a goofy grin on his face. [color=cyan]"I suppose I must have taken up quite a bit of your time, I apologize."[/color] He told them, looking at his watch to see how long he'd been there. [b]6:07 PM[/b] ... ... Before the students even had time to react, Rohrbach was racing down the hallways, his lab coat fluttering furiously behind him. The students he passed by could only catch a glimpse at the man's face, shock registering on their own. For... it was a face not many got to see. For such a laid back individual who worked so closely with the school, the students had hardly ever seen him so... fierce. Or at least, those that had tried very hard to forget about it. Making up for lost time, Rohrbach, once on the first floor, took the first open window he could find and jumped, avoiding the unlucky circumstance of his coat getting caught. He raced from Brumley Center across campus and by the time he'd even gotten close to Vee's place, he was out of breath and practically dying. For anyone looking on, he must have looked like a creepy old man, zombified. [color=gray]"Oh no, Rohrbach's really gone crazy now!"[/color] He heard girls gossip to one another, trying their best to avoid him. With heavy breaths, he dragged himself toward the Fresh Pot and laid a heavy hand down on the handle. Pulling it open, he stumbled inside, and looked around, his breaths still very heavy and labored. [color=cyan]"Ah... I see... you all... made... it."[/color] He breathed before stumbling his way over to the nearest empty table and collapsing into a chair. [color=cyan]"How... have all of your days been?"[/color] He asked, putting a rather pathetic smile on his face. [color=cyan]"I'm... not late am I?"[/color] He asked, feigning ignorance.