Well Here is the start of mine. [hider=Von Bavaria] http://gyazo.com/484d2405f7034d151f4187a7be104af0 - Sigil Adolf I was the third child, Second son of Leon II Von Volksteg. Not much is known of this time but Adolf was most likely a Knight fighting in the crusaders and when he returned he was given a small County and Some loyal men. As he started a cadet branch of sorts they called him Conrad but he was Adolf I Von Bavaria to most. He had one son Adolf II. He had died of natural causes. Leon Von Bavaria Like his father he was cunning and administrative however he was also trained by his brother to be a fighter and could duel others easily. During his reign he ignored his Lord and continued to make a profit while paying some taxes. Should anyone have tried to challenge him his Brother would stab them through the heart. While most Bastards didn't get along Leon loved his older brother and was sad when he passed but he was given two nephews who he had trained to be some of the best fighters in the realm for his single son. Leon died in 1377. He had a single son born in 1360 Adolf II was very cunning and very administrative while he may not have been the most holy or strongest he could easily plot his own destiny if he so chose. However when the Civil War in Austria came about he sided with Fredrick and fought alongside Otto IV. It says he fought with but most likely was managing his estate and fairs while the RittenBergs were off fighting. When the War came to an end. Adolf was granted some land and towns. He easily removed the town mayors and mine leaders with people loyal to him and his family should the need arise. He also payed to buy out mines in other lands so he could sell the elements and make a hefty profit. Adolf II died 1338. He had 2 sons. A Bastard born in 1320. Who was very strong and fit and a trueborn 1322. Luke Von Bavaria Was not capable in any standards compared to the others of his family line but he had wealth and that gave him power. He was a coward and bullied by many nearly costing him his life,lands and money. Were it not for his son the family would have been destroyed. Luke died in 1390 under mysterious circumstances. He left a daughter born in 1370 and a son in 1375. Current head James Conrad James is much more cynical and is feared through his lands. He is cunning,wealthy and strong. Not to mention he married his sister off to Bavarians so he has a greater alliance in the HRE. He also has 2 loyal bodyguards at his side. Not much is known of James seeing as how he's always planning in his castle.[/hider]